Embark on a transformative and specially-tailored wellness retreat at the incomparably beautiful Soneva Jani resort in the Maldives.
2024 Wellness Trends
Get ready for an all-encompassing journey into wellness this year – touching every facet of your life...
Alpine Wellness: Europe’s Exquisite Ski Havens
Venturing into Europe's snow-kissed landscapes unveils a tapestry of ski destinations meticulously designed for...
London Wellness Brunch – Inaugural Global Wellness Event
We are delighted to announce the first of our global wellness event series in London on 6th February 2024.
A Sustainable Life on The Sea
With World Ocean Day on the horizon, we’re highlighting how our eco-friendly yachts and sustainable boats are...
The Key Elements of Sustainable Travel
Cocoon strives to provide its members with luxury services that are centred around sustainability...
Cocoon’s Approach to Trauma Therapy
The word ‘trauma’ stems from the Greek word ‘traûma’, which means to ‘wound’ or ‘pierce'...
A Look at the World’s Greenest Accommodation
Cocoon’s eco-friendly accommodation blends luxury with sustainability, providing travellers with...
The Best Sports Events to Join in With This Year
For those wanting to combine fitness and travel, marathons and cycle rides are two of the most exciting types...